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Tele-Conferences: Tele-sessions will begin promptly, so make sure you are on the line a few minutes prior to the start of the call. If you will be using Skype to access the session, you will be placing a Skype-to-landline call and as such will need to have funds in your Skype account prior to placing the call. Neither the session nor the access code can be shared with individuals who have not directly registered with me. You may want to take a few notes, but recording of the session is not permitted. All tele-sessions are given at Mountain Standard Time, so please go to and use the time zone conversion feature to verify your local area time.
After Check Out, you will receive an email message with appropriate documents or information, including conference call numbers and codes. PLEASE OPEN THESE EMAIL MESSAGES IMMEDIATELY, as links may have an expiration period. Instructions are sent to the email address associated with your payment. Please check your spam folder as well if you find you do not receive the email message.