Welcome to our White Bird Blessing Circle. This Circle which we called The Circle of Healing Prayer until 2019, has been occurring every other Tuesday, since March, 2008. We gather on Zoom and you are very welcome to join us, simply by clicking the link below, or using one of the phone numbers.
If you would like to receive notification the day before each gathering, please fill in your email address below. This way you will also receive an email after the gathering, within a day or two, announcing that the recording has been added to the archives.
Many of the past calls have been added to the archives and once you join in, you receive the password so that you can listen to these recordings.
Our White Bird Blessing Circle has a focus on prayer and blessings. You are welcome to send in prayers or blessings you wish to be included through email at info@celticfireandfaerie.com. These will not be read out, but they will be printed out and placed in the Crystal Healing Bowl. At the Winter Solstice each year, we have a special call and the prayers and blessings are burned in a Prayer Puja, by my husband, Daniel, in our garden, while we are having our call. During each gathering I also talk on some focus. I prepare nothing beforehand, just simply tune into the gathering and words arise. Often, we are given a simple practice to carry us through the two weeks till the next gathering.
Some precious souls have attended for many years. Here are some of their own words:
Falling in love with your own soul and the Divine is a journey Áine takes us on in her meditations every two weeks. It is difficult to put into words the intelligent and soul deepening Celtic/Vedic approach she takes. And, don’t mistake “free” for less valuable. These weekly half hours have become for me an indispensable part of my spiritual path. She follows the Celtic calendar along with important days in other religious traditions, bringing the energy and wisdom of the seasons to our gatherings. Áine has the ability to mediate to us the Divine in all her manifestations through the sound of her voice. These are truly magical gatherings. -Om Shanti
My first introduction to Áine was 14 years ago when a friend invited me to listen in. The welcoming space, the flow and timeliness of the message, the energy of “rising above the thought stream of the world” all resonated so deeply. Now I’ve hardly missed a Tuesday morning since, always scheduling my life around this sacred biweekly time! Áine generously shares her gifts of attuning deeply and inviting our inner awareness to keep expanding! The messages transmitted through her in that short 30-minute call are transformative. The commitment to prayer and blessing, the assistance of Angels and White Birds, the co-creation of the Souls gathered, the sheer Love extended out into the world ~~ all beautiful offerings so very welcome in this time of great change and opportunity in our lives, in the ones we hold dear, and ever outward throughout all creation. Consider yourself invited to join in! -Padmapada
In the Blessing Circle I have experienced a Holy Place that calls in a seamless co-creation between the Angelic realms and our Human hearts ….. with tangible results. We are working together, guided by Áine’s deep Wisdom, and as we gather each time the Light around us grows brighter. Treaca
Over the years I have participated in the biweekly prayer circle as regularly as my time allows … I experience sheer bliss… as I hear and feel Áine’s words… she so speaks from her heart…this is nourishment for my soul and I am so grateful for the privilege of being part of the circle. Aileen
In a world of increasing chaos, the White Bird Blessing Circle has become a source of peace for me. Right now, in my life, there are so many family members, friends and acquaintances, as well as animals at the pet shelter where I volunteer, who are experiencing major problems which I cannot resolve. When I give these issues over to the Blessing Circle, the energies of peace and love can fly across the planet, spreading healing to all sentient beings in need. E.P.
My life has been much enriched by Áine’s meditations and offerings. The circle brings much opportunity for blessings and grace, both personally and for all beings. I love the practice of meeting regularly to help spread love, joy and peace to the world. I am most grateful for Áine’s kind and open heart and her dedication to The Work. I know we make a difference when we all focus our hearts and minds together for the good of all and I am so grateful for the opportunity to do this when our circle meets. Nadene
The Circle gatherings have been a wonderful blessing in my life. They provide a beautiful sacred space for kindred spirits from around the world to come together in love and light. It is an honor to share our united healing energy with others. PW
All Blessings Áine ~ |
Please consider joining us.
Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu:
“May all beings everywhere be peaceful and happy”
>>Listen here<< to a beautiful rendition of this mantra